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June 13, 2019 In The News, Media

Defense bill: Funds joint base tankers, protects jobs at Lockheed Martin in Moorestown

“We live in an uncertain world where there are serious threats to our country and our democracy, and we must ensure our military has the tools and manpower needed to defend our nation,” Norcross, D-1st of Camden, said after the nearly 21-hour session. “We were able to keep our military fully equipped, meet mission requirements and deter potential adversaries, while ensuring the Department of Defense’s programs are fiscally responsible. Overall, I’m proud to have voted to strengthen and modernize our military to build a strong national defense, support service members and their families, and grow our nation’s workforce.”

June 10, 2019 Media, Press Releases

Norcross, Brown Lead Bipartisan Letter Pushing Back Against Department Of Veterans Affairs’ Union-Busting Efforts

Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) and Congressman Anthony G. Brown (MD-04) sent a letter co-signed by a bipartisan group of 128 Members of Congress to Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie, pushing back on the department’s anti-labor policies in its collective bargaining with AFGE, the union representing 260,000 of its frontline employees.

June 7, 2019 Media, Press Releases

Norcross Shares His Experience in Normandy for D-Day 75th Anniversary Commemorations

“I am honored to have attended the D-Day commemorations in Normandy on the 75th Anniversary of the ‘the longest day.’ I’m constantly in awe of the sacrifices made by the greatest generation in the name of freedom and that was reinforced during this trip,” said Norcross. “It was remarkably moving to be standing in a location where I could look at Omaha Beach in front of me and simultaneous have more than 9,000 American heroes buried behind me. Those Americans made the ultimate sacrifice and protected the world from tyranny. If it wasn’t for those brave men and women who stormed these beaches 75 years ago, we wouldn’t be here today.”

May 23, 2019 Media, Press Releases

Norcross Votes to Make It Easier for Workers to Save For Retirement & Make Apprenticeships More Affordable

U.S. Congressmen Donald Norcross (D-NJ) voted in favor of H.R. 1994, the SECURE (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) Act, which passed the House of Representatives with a 417–3 vote. The SECURE Act expands opportunities for Americans to increase their retirement savings and improves the portability of lifetime income options from one plan to another.