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April 21, 2019 Media, Press Releases

Norcross Tours Picatinny Arsenal, Gets Reassurances Jobs Will Stay in NJ

U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) – Chair of the Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces and a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee – today toured Picatinny Arsenal, which plays a key role in developing and supporting the munitions of the U.S. Army and contributes to the state’s economy, and received assurances from senior leadership on-site that the Army has no plans to shift Picatinny’s critical mission set or high-tech jobs to another location.

April 10, 2019 Media, Press Releases

Norcross Votes for a Free & Open Internet

Today, U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross issued the following statement on his vote in favor of the Save the Internet Act, H.R. 1644:

“We need to preserve consumer freedom online, protect small businesses and promote competition – and the Save the Internet Act does all of these things. It balances our need to provide fairness for users and, at the same time, encourage innovation in the tech industry."

April 4, 2019 Media, Press Releases

NORCROSS: Getting Closer to Equal Pay for Equal Work

Monday was April Fool’s Day, and the day that followed is the real, cruel joke – Equal Pay Day. It marks the extra three-plus months that women must work just to earn what their male counterparts did in the year before. As companies close the books on first quarter of 2019, on Equal Pay Day we all must acknowledge how backward it is that an American woman has to work five quarters to earn as much as the average man did in four. But we can help change that. We can take action so that Equal Pay Day isn’t a necessarily evil, but a memory of an injustice that we overcame together.