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July 10, 2018 In The News, Media

Norcross visits detained immigrant kids in N.J. Thankfully, they weren’t in chain-link fencing

Video chats on Skype from a Camden detention center has been the only lifeline for a child separated from his family as he tried to cross the border into the United States.

Rep. Donald Norcross, D, 1st, said he wasn't sure what to expect of the conditions for children being held in New Jersey after they were separated from their families as a result of stepped up border enforcement by the Trump administration.

The federal government wouldn't let him in for the past two weeks.

He had tried to visit a site run by the Center for Family Services with no success. When he finally got in Monday, he immediately reported what he saw.

"I wanted to make sure these kids were being held in an appropriate manner, one that is worthy of being called an American system," Norcross said during an afternoon news conference from the downtown Camden headquarters of the center. "After holding us back for two weeks, they never showed up."

June 29, 2018 In The News, Media

U.S. House approves defense bill with $2.3B for purchase of new KC-46 tankers

“I’ve been long-fighting for ways to safeguard New Jersey’s joint base and the inclusion of $2.5 billion in funds for KC-46 refueling aircraft is a big win for our area. These refueling tankers will bring new jobs and growth to our state and make Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst an indispensable starting point for national security missions on the East Coast,” Norcross said. “Additionally, the bill provides a pay raise for service members, prohibits Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) and supports Israel, our democratic ally in the volatile Middle East. Overall, this bipartisan bill helps keep Americans safe by improving military readiness, securing our local base and strengthening our national defense.”

June 21, 2018 In The News, Media

Norcross demands visit with migrant children in Camden agency’s care

CAMDEN - Amid a national uproar over the separation of children from their families at the Mexican border, U.S. Rep. Donald Norcross complained Thursday that he couldn't immediately visit with migrant children now in the care of a Camden-based social services agency.

The Center for Family Services is presently caring for 27 boys and girls, including four teen mothers and their babies, while the agency works to reunify the children with their families.

June 5, 2018 In The News, Media

Jefferson Health NJ cited for providing overdose antidote

CHERRY HILL - As he presented Jefferson Health New Jersey President Joe Devine with a proclamation, U.S. Rep. Donald Norcross said quietly, "You're saving lives ... there can be no higher calling."

As one of the Philadelphia-South Jersey region's largest health care providers, Jefferson's mission is saving lives, but on Monday the system was singled out for its work saving the lives of a particular group of people: Those who are struggling with heroin or opioid addiction.