Norcross, port officials address food issues amid COVID-19 pandemic
May 11, 2020
GLOUCESTER CITY — Dodging a pallet ballet — forklifts quickly moving hither and yon, piled high with crates of bananas and other produce — in a warehouse on the Gloucester Marine Terminal, one might easily forget how many hungry people there are in South Jersey.
Outside, though, Leo Holt of Holt Logistics, Gloucester Mayor Bob Spencer, Del Monte Produce port manager Todd Jetter and U.S. Rep. Donald Norcross were gathered Monday to call attention to that very issue, especially in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
DelMonte recently donated several pallets of bananas, grapes, pineapples and other produce to the Food Bank of South Jersey, and Norcross emphasized that the issue is not a lack of food — rather, he said, “It is about logistics, but also about the logistics of having a big heart and being able to help people.”